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An innovative and eco-friendly Solution for refilling Windshield washer fluid

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657 000kg

of plastic canisters that were not used thanks to Ecotank.

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Ecological solution


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Easy installation

EcoTank is a unique, patented solution for refilling windshield washer fluid tanks and it has a significant environmental impact.
Its modern design, simple installation and easy operation means it can become the worldwide standard for petrol stations.


If EcoTank was installed at 15% of petrol stations in Europe, thousands of tons less plastic packaging for windshield washer fluid would be produced a year.

This ecological solution is suitable for all petrol stations and is environmentally friendly, as it does not need any plastic packaging. The same applies to its operation. EcoTank works on the gravity principle and requires only 24V to operate.

Unique global patent
product big

An innovation based on the
gravity principle.

Intelligent fluid quantity detection
with refill warning.

Requires only 24V for its operation.

Requires only two cables:
power and data.

Patented innovative solution
Enviromental friendly
Ecological and modern solution for refilling windshield washer fluid
Modern design
Suitable for all petrol stations
Easy installation without any construction work

A modern solution for all petrol stations

A modern solution for all petrol stations

EcoTank is an ecological and modern solution for refilling windshield washer fluid for all petrol stations and drivers looking for a simple and easy refilling method and who are concerned about the environment.

It is environmentally friendly, as it makes a significant contribution to reducing the amount of plastic packaging and its operation requires only 24V.

Eco Tank is user-friendly and very simple to use. Motorists can fill up their washer fluid tank at the same time they fill up the fuel tank and then make a single payment.

Eco Tank does not require an operator – it detects the remaining volume of fluid and sends a message when refilling is required.

EcoTank has a modern design and its easy installation without construction work makes it the best candidate to become the worldwide standard for all petrol station operators who are concerned about the environment.

Are you the owner or operator of a petrol station? Let’s talk!

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EcoTank in the world

Where to find us?

Countries with operations
1 500
EcoTanks worldwide
Tons of waste saved

Every year, around
10 million tons of plastic waste are dumped into the ocean.



About us

EcoTank, a revolutionary solution for environmentally friendly liquid dispensing, has today earned its position as a leader in sustainable technologies. Based on the simple yet ingenious principle of self-loneliness, EcoTank represents a new era for petrol stations and fluid manufacturers worldwide. With low running costs and user-friendliness, EcoTank quickly won the hearts of those looking for efficient and environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional liquid dispensing. With its help, we significantly eliminate the need for PET packaging, thereby contributing to the protection of our planet.

Juraj Saktor, CEO
Juraj Saktor, CEO

Behind this success is a story of courage and innovation. Slovak inventor Richard Vámoš and his visionary idea gave life to EcoTank. After months of working on the prototype and later collaborating with innovator Juraj Saktor and his team, who breathed modern design into EcoTank and perfected its technology, this idea turned into reality. World patent protection has confirmed its uniqueness, and today, EcoTank is synonymous with sustainable innovation.

But EcoTank’s journey doesn’t end there. We believe dispensing windshield washer fluid will become standard at most petrol stations and that their quest for a cleaner planet for future generations is more than just a vision. EcoTank thus opens the door to new possibilities in environmental protection also in the petrol segment.

EcoTank is not just one product’s success story but a symbol of our shared commitment to a better and more sustainable future for all.

Frequently asked Questions

Not. On the contrary, the total sale of the liquid will increase by approximately 30% through sales through EcoTank dispensers.

Management of the network of dispensers through the NELA software is intuitive and relatively simple. NELA displays a network of EcoTank dispensers with an up-to-date status report and current liquid volume.

ECOTANK s.r.o. offers an “all inclusive” service for the management of the EcoTank dispenser network, from assembly, maintenance and service to regular refilling with liquid and reporting to the customer.

The EcoTank dispenser acts as a magnet for customers and brings an increase in average sales for the entire gas station by 1-2%. It also brings great marketing potential to present sustainable ecological solutions, which EcoTank certainly is.

EcoTank dispenser installations are very popular and very successful at self-service petrol stations, where they introduce a new product that cannot be sold in regular canisters for security reasons.

EcoTank dispenser installations are very popular and very successful at charging stations where they bring a new product that cannot be sold in regular canisters for security reasons.

EcoTank is designed in such a way that filling the washer fluid takes place simultaneously with fuel filling during one transaction.

Pre-preparation and installation itself takes place only on the dispensing island, and takes an average of 4 hours. The other dispensing islands remain in full operation without restrictions.

Filling the EcoTank dispenser only takes place on one half of the dispenser island, and takes an average of 10 minutes. The other dispensing islands remain in full operation without restrictions.

Yes, we offer the option of color modification, but only the tank. The middle and lower parts are unchanging in color.



Press news


Shell Srbsko ide do toho!

Ani súčasná situácia nezastavila ľudí v chránení našej planéty a rozmýšľaní nad našimi pravidelnými spotrebiteľskými rozhodnutiami. Shell Srbsko sa rozhodlo, že zníži množstvo produkovaného odpadu z bandasiek kvapalín do ostrekovačov a nechá si nainštalovať EcoTanky.

Ak by sa stal EcoTank štandardnou súčasťou aspoň 15 % čerpacích staníc v Európe, ročne dokážeme ušetriť tisícky ton plastových obalov. A to je misia Ecotanku, na ktorej denne pracujeme. Ďakujeme, že aj vám záleží na našej planéte.


EcoTank mieri do Švajčiarska.

Fribourg, 26. septembra 2019 – Spoločnosť ECOTANK s.r.o. dnes podpísala prelomový kontrakt o spolupráci so spoločnosťou TSG Services and Solutions. Kontrakt prináša dohodu o výhradnej distribúcii zariadenia EcoTank pre siete čerpacích staníc a servisných miest vo Švajčiarsku. Spoločnosti ECOTANK sa tak zaradí medzi firmy ako Tokheim, Kärcher a ProFleet.

Podpísanie zmluvy s tak významnou servisnou spoločnosťou, ako je TSG, je pre nás potvrdením, že vývoj na tomto inovatívnom a ekologickom produkte robíme kvalitne a správne.“ Povedal po podpise zmluvy partner a zakladateľ spoločnosti ECOTANK s.r.o. Juraj Saktor.

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